Do you find yourself  frustrated with the amount of time that is required to obtain an investigation report for a formal complaint?  The Aviary Group prides itself on being able to complete workplace investigations in a timely and efficient manner.  Employees complaints are disruptive to the workplace.  Conducting a quick investigation minimizes the forming of camps and taking sides.  Maintaining confidentiality and professionalism is our focus.

Take advantage of our strong background in conflict resolution, mediation and workplace fairness/wellness assessments, and let us help settle existing harassment, bullying, personality conflicts, gossiping or discriminatory issues and train managers in workplace fairness.


Services Available

  • Workplace Harassment and Discrimination:
    • anti-bullying, violence and harassment prevention training
    • policy/procedure review & development
    • fact-finding workplace investigations
    • workplace team restoration
    • workplace fairness assessments
    • workplace wellness assessments
    • managing incivility in  the workplace
  • Workplace Conflict Management:
    • on-site workplace coaching for employees
    • strategic conflict resolution development
    • workplace mediation
    • conflict resolution training for managers and/or employees

Putting the workplace back together again.

Major trauma in the workplace, such as an investigation, a complaint of bullying or harassment, employee terminations, or organizational change, can be a devastating experience for management and employees. Broken relationships, stress, anger, confusion, fear and distrust can be just some of the emotions experienced. Such feelings make it difficult for people to want to come to work each day, much less be productive and creative, and key staff may be lost as a result.

Through the Workplace Restoration process, we help organizations put the workplace back together again, relieve the tension, restore employee relationships and confidence, and move on after experiencing a stressful event.

While it might seem impossible now, your workplace will again be one where people are happy to come to work, eager to communicate constructively with their fellow employees, feel empowered to bring forth new ideas, and give their best every day and into the future.

When to consider Workplace Restoration:

If there has been a complaint of bullying or harassment, workplace restoration may be the next step after an investigation.

Anytime discord takes place in the workplace, where relationships have broken down, or teams are no longer able to work well together, restoration can help to restore good relations before it escalates to the point of employee terminations, legal actions or other extremes.

When considering extensive organizational change, it’s a good idea to include workplace restoration and be proactive on any workplace discord, tension and distrust that may take place as a result.

What is the Workplace Restoration Process?

Workplace restoration usually begins with an assessment and a recommended plan of action.

During the assessment, we interview management and staff and review your current policies regarding conflict resolution. We ask, “What happened here?” and “What could happen differently to avert or heal from a traumatic event?” We recommend a plan of action for restoring harmony in your workplace and establish a process to deal with potential future events.

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