Managing Gossip in the Workplace

Is gossip problematic in your workplace? Workplace gossip can create a negative atmosphere. Do you always find yourself in a situation where gossip surrounds you, and not sure what to do about it? Gossip is an everyday activity that may be destructive and have long term impacts on the workplace.

Workplace gossip can produce a negative workplace climate. When left unchecked, it can threaten organizational culture and effectiveness and can lead to the loss of good employees who do not want to work in a toxic environment. Creating a positive workplace environment is essential.

At some time in our career, we may have been the subject of gossip, and have felt the wound of humiliation that goes along with it. On the other hand, we may have gossiped ourselves, and as a result hurt someone else’s feelings.

A number of studies have shown that both gossip and rumour substantially increase during times of organizational change, especially when corporate communication does not address the concerns and uncertainties of the workforce.

In the workshop learn who gossips, for what purpose and obtain four key strategies to avoid gossip. Discover some simple practices that can be implemented to disseminate information rather than gossiping or the spread of rumours. Receive tips on how to deal with the excessive gossiper, understand your role in gossip situations and how to promote a healthier workplace.

Intercultural Communication in the Workplace

Everyone has a cultural history, a resulting cultural bias and characteristic communication patterns. 

Today’s workplaces enjoy multicultural markets and workforces. To succeed, organizations must value the differences of a diverse population and the individuality of all people, treating employees and customers alike with dignity and respect.

This workshop teaches participants to recognize and combat all forms of prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination. Learn to communicate effectively with individuals from different cultures and backgrounds. Discover strategies to understand, value and integrate diverse perspectives, keeping communication lines open and weaving the rich resource of multiculturalism into your organization’s future.

 Networking and Rapport-Building

Networking can be an intimidating process in our sound-byte society, as first impressions are crucial. Rapport-building skills are complex, encompassing tone, manner, mood, body-language and more. The ability to accurately assess the wants and needs of others, partnered with an understanding of how we are perceived by others, is paramount in laying the foundation of any relationship, business or social.

In this workshop, discover the secrets of confident and charismatic communication and learn to eliminate barriers that can result in misunderstandings, frustration and – most importantly – lost opportunities. Learn focusing techniques that overcome or harness nervous energy, freeing you to establish rich interpersonal networks and handle your relationships with poise and confidence.

Staying Composed During Difficult Conversations

Are you often told you have a “short fuse”. Do you find yourself getting defensive in even casual conversations? Do you feel when you try to de-escalate a conversation, everything you say is making the situation worse! This workshop will explore how to stay composed during those  difficult situations, while clearly getting your message across. You will learn how to describe the characteristics of difficult conversations.  Be able to identify those conversations that identify possible reasons for the difficulty. Know the difference between reaction and comeback. Identify personal signals of reaction and possible methods to deal with the response and see positive communication techniques to help reduce the strain and attain a positive result.

The Wow Factor: Customer Service in Human Service Organizations

Sterling customer service means much more than a pleasant voice on the phone. In today’s complex market, understanding and anticipating customer desires often requires the skills of an expert problem-solver, communicator and mediator.

This interactive workshop shares ‘secrets from the trenches,’ offering a collection of wisdom from experienced customer service professionals. It also encourages participants to share their own success – or horror – stories to stimulate the production of creative, industry-specific service strategies that are responsive and client-focused. Gain tips for dealing with ‘challenging’ customers in a calm and professional manner, and learn service techniques that will make your organization shine and keep clients coming back again and again!

Developing Clear and Assertive Communication Skills

Communication provides the cornerstone to all relationships, building connections and smoothing conflicts. The global market has created an intercultural forum for interaction and negotiation, and the savvy investor spends time and effort honing this crucial skill.

This course introduces the principles and skills of effective and ethical communication, teaching non-defensive strategies. Emphasis is placed on understanding both how your communication behaviours affect others and how you are affected by the behaviours of others. Discover and learn to overcome common roadblocks. Assess and improve verbal and non-verbal effectiveness, as well as listening skills. Learn to initiate contact smoothly, defuse conflict, and become a confident and well-rounded communicator.

Having Those Difficult Conversations with Ease
As senior managers, you’ve had to hold an uncomfortable conversation as a result of poor performance, an investigation into unwelcomed behaviour or attitude and offensive, unprofessional conduct in the workplace. Did it run well?

It is always easy to praise employees. The conversation becomes tough when employees feel the stakes are high, when perception varies regarding the circumstances of the events and when emotions are strong. Regrettably, these are generally the type of performance-based conversations we encounter. Learning to address difficult issues in a timely manner, use clear communication and create a well-developed plan for improvement is crucial for good performance management.

In today’s workplace, it is imperative to be able to express views calmly and with confidence even when the situation or event becomes difficult and frustrating. Review some best practices that will assist you in “keeping your cool and emotions under control” in a broad range of difficult situations, demonstrating successful ways of dealing with difficult circumstances and employees of all types. Acquire the skills to offset to shift people that are challenged by a setbacks and difficulties, by the use of pure language techniques.

Through this workshop, you will discover how to be a better and more effective motivator by developing your ability to establish and maintain ‘rapport’ with others.  Identifying the non-verbal body language in addition to tone, manner, voice, attitude, mood – all of these (and more) factor into the idea of rapport. Participants will gain insight into the interpersonal communication process and how to eliminate barriers that can otherwise result in misunderstandings, frustration and most importantly lost opportunities.

You will come away understanding how to impact or control the way others perceive you, giving you increased confidence in your ability to have those difficult conversations with ease and success.



The Art of Mending Fences: Mediating Conflict in the Workplace
*may be customized to address employees’ specific issues

Workplace conflict spells stress, and – unresolved – it creates an unhealthy and dysfunctional environment. Production and quality of service can suffer, as tension infects entire organizations. As a manager or supervisor, it is your responsibility to know how and when to step in and mediate conflict.

This workshop addresses the primary causes of workplace conflict and identifies the different ways employees may respond. Learn to assess and minimize the potential for conflict in your own organization. Gain new insights in the mediation process, and enjoy the opportunity to practice conflict management tools in workshop before applying them to your own setting. Participants will depart with a long-term plan to build a healthy, harmonious workplace and the knowledge to handle any conflicts with confidence.

Emotions Under Pressure

Uncontrolled emotions can be roadblocks to success. Failure to read warning signs results in unproductive emotional outbursts that can destabilize the unity of an entire organization. Understanding the power and source of emotion represents the first step in becoming a stable, emotionally-balanced professional.

This workshop offers productive methods to channel emotion rather than repressing it. Learn to recognize and mediate sources of unhealthy emotion in the workplace early, minimizing damage. Equip yourself with proven techniques for staying calm and objective in the event of emotional crisis, and hone the professional poise and equilibrium necessary to strong leadership.

Critical Thinking/Problem-Solving Skills

We live and work in a world of ever-accelerating change, where information multiplies rapidly, and job requirements always shift. Faced with frequent choices about strategy and direction, employees today need the skills of critical thinking to choose the most efficient path.

Discover how to step back, examine how you approach complex problems and sharpen your thinking processes. Ask the right questions, challenge assumptions, and see others’ viewpoints clearly. Participants will gain insight into themselves and make life-changing discoveries. Build your confidence and improve your communication skills. Plus get hands-on experience using practical tools that can be apply right away.

 Co-Worker Clashes

Unresolved personality clashes add unnecessary stress to the regular challenge of our professional lives. Communication – paramount to productivity and workplace harmony – often breaks down without an ability to analyze and understand contrasting viewpoints.

This seminar identifies solutions for personality clashes and communication breakdowns, offering strategies for conciliation and cooperation. Learn to ‘read’ contrasting personalities – their goals, motivations and values – to smooth interactions and optimize relationships.

Handle the difficult people in your life with grace and diplomacy, and watch your productivity and peace of mind soar.

Employee Negativity

Workplace negativity undermines your organization’s success, whether through absenteeism, the loss of other good employees, or the departure of customers. Unchecked, negativity can infect an entire environment, diminishing productivity and creating unfulfilled, unmotivated employees.

Designed for professionals in a leadership role, this workshop unravels the basic principles of negativity. Gain insight into the individual ways emotions are experienced and how to best master your own emotions. Offering a seven-step warning and intervention model for overcoming and neutralizing the chronic ‘negator,’ this course challenges you to become an agent of change and role model of positive thinking.


Workplace Violence and Bullying:  How to Address

One of the most frequent causes of workplace conflict is “bullying,” which may occur in the form of personal or psychological harassment. Research has shown that workplace bullying is four times more widespread in the workplace than instances of racial and sexual harassment combined. Studies imply that bullying, when unchecked, damages the overall morale of the workplace, creating severe psychological impacts, absenteeism, high employee turnover, and eventually, the reputation of the organization.

Despite its occurrence in the workplace, the concept of bullying is poorly understood and addressed by most employers. Often managers or supervisors are accused of bullying when dealing with subordinates: although this may occur, they also bully other managers/peers; subordinates even bully their managers, and co-workers often bully one another. Bullies do not always target employees who may be seen as “weak” or passive—they may more often target a colleague who is reliable, competent, or seen as having potential in the workplace, to undermine that employee’s reputation in the workplace.

  • Define workplace bullying.
  • Identify the related concepts of discourtesy, disrespect, incivility, and harassment.
  • Explore objectives for differentiating bullying from other challenging workplace behaviours.
  • Develop strategies to minimize the possibility of bullying and promote a respectful workplace.
  • Identify the steps to appropriately respond to acts of bullying.
  • Case studies for discussion.
  • The duty of care required by employers.

Human Rights Code Responsibilities
*customized training available for harassment investigators and advisors

Human rights are a hot-button issue inside organizations, as violations spark –  at best – stressful and tense work environments and – at worst – legal, professional and financial consequences. Employees should be conscious of the specific natures of sexual, racial and workplace harassment and the rights to which they are entitled. Managers must know how to avoid harassment, staying up-to-date on legal requirements and business implications.

This workshop conditions participants to recognize the most prevalent forms of harassment and to respond professionally and effectively. Demystify legal implications and redress options. Clarify which behaviours constitute – or may be construed as – harassment, and educate employees and company leaders alike.


 Achievement Through People: The Task and The Team and The Problem

This course will examine the individual behaviours, the interpersonal dynamics and the facilitative leadership style that is conducive to successful teamwork. It will encourage team leaders to become team players and encourage optimal levels of involvement on the part of all “stakeholders” in organizational life. It will provide participants with the understanding and skills to best deploy the skills, knowledge, experience, and commitment of people working together in teams.

At the end of the session participants will learn:

  • The stages of team development
  • The types of teams and how they function
  • Building or expanding the team
  • Working styles within teams
  • Active listening techniques that get to the heart of the problem
  • Verbal and non-verbal communication

How do you create a sense of team? What are the behaviours that build healthy relationships and ensure that everyone in a group feels respected? ‘Team’ is something that needs to be fostered, nurtured and supported and is reinforced by mutually-shared core values.

Linking to existing organizational values, this session will provide insights into the important stages of team development. Participants will explore their own work and conflict styles, articulate what’s important to them in enhancing the sense of ‘team’, and practice team-supportive communication and conflict resolution skills. Participants will be given the opportunity to complete a personal action plan and a commitment card to support efforts to ensure positive outcomes of the session to carry forward into the future.


A healthy mind means a healthy person. Thoughts have power; they determine our feelings, actions and quality of life. The power of positive thinking has been demonstrated again and again, yet so many people fall prey to the demotivating forces of negativity.

Shifting your life in a positive new direction can be as simple as taking control of your beliefs. This workshop offers strategies to revitalize your outlook, revealing surprising new ways in which your internal thoughts can control your external experiences. Come discover the power of positive thinking and motivate yourself to be your best!

Change in the Workplace
*can be customized to focus on change & collaborative partnership

Bringing an organization through change can be a daunting enterprise, but – handled professionally – the rewards revitalization and redirection can be achieved with minimal stress.

Strong leaders, aware of the many effects of change on their workforce, shepherd their teams through change, minimizing stress and keeping morale and productivity high. Preparation and organization allow the smooth navigation of the often rocky road of transition, fostering a consistent and sustained evolution.

This workshop will equip you with a concise methodology for the human side of change and the knowledge needed to mobilize your organization. Uncover communication techniques to keep your workforce in sync and up-to-speed to avoid delays and frustrations. Learn key leadership strategies to support your staff and boost motivation through the uncertainty of change.

Time and Priority Management
Critical deadlines, competing priorities and an avalanche of e-mail often leave individuals feeling overwhelmed and easy prey to procrastination. The inability to prioritize and allocate time effectively can be a recipe for disaster.

This workshop’s unique approach to time management provides strategies, techniques and tips for handling the urgent commitments in your professional and personal life without stretching yourself too thin. Analyze daily work habits and learn to combat procrastination and interruptions. Create and implement a personalized time-management plan that sets specific, realistic goals. Take control of your schedule to increase personal productivity and enhance your quality of life.

Managing Stress Effectively

While a little stress might keep us alert and on our toes, too much stress ruins relationships, crashes careers and destroys health. Symptoms of stress range from mild anxiety to serious mental and physical illness. Stress detracts from workplace productivity and negatively impacts overall quality of life.

This workshop invites participants to manage their stress safely, identifying symptoms of overstress and offering a wide range of coping strategies. Participants will leave with forty-three stress relievers that boost focus and performance and the ability to apply rational problem-solving skills to minimize stressors and optimize quality of life.


  • Dealing with Difficult Behaviours
  • Being your Best…
  • Cultural Competency and Diversity
  • Professional and Service Excellence for Front Line staff
  • Speaking With Confidence
  • Leadership Skills for New Supervisors
  • Working in Teams
  • Strategies for Dealing with Angry Clients

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